The Best Hidden Plant Spots for Bombs in CS:GO for Competitive Matches


Bomb plants are important in deciding which team wins and which team loses. Knowing hidden bomb plants are even more important. How? Let me explain. In this guide, not only will you learn about the best hidden bomb plant spots in CS:GO, but also what differentiates server-side bomb plants versus client-side plants and which would be most effective in competitive matches.

Bomb plants boost your game knowledge as well as micro play when dealing with one of the two ways in which you can win a game as a terrorist.

Bomb plants in CS:GO are very important, especially as a terrorist, because as one of the ways to win a match, you also control enemy movements to the bomb, which predictably makes it easier for you to kill them. It takes roughly 43 seconds for the bomb to explode. Slowing the counter-terrorists in any way possible, whether it be smoke bombs to hide the bomb, Molotov grenades to hurt the enemy, or just having hidden plant spots, is the best way for terrorists to win a game through a bomb plant.

In CS:GO, being faster than your opponent in all scenarios is crucial to winning matches and getting the most kills. That’s why you should know before you read this guide that some of these plants may take more than just one person to carry out the plant, and it may not be as effective if your team does not have good coordination. But if you are playing with friends and you become well versed with these planting spots, coordinating a plant in a match will be a breeze and will help you be most effective when fighting against the enemy team.

One important mechanic that plays a part in bomb plants would be the server-side versus client-side objects that affect how one player sees an object versus another player.

For example, objects like buckets and containers may be manipulated by players with guns. This can cause problems, as the server may register the objects as being located in a completely different place when compared to one’s perspective.

Many props are for decorative use only and are specifically for the client side, so trying to use a prop to hide a bomb will not only waste more time but also be ineffective. I suggest not using props like buckets to hide a bomb, but rather use the structures in the game to hide the bomb. I tested all these props, and if you want to test them for yourself, use the command vcollide_wireframe 1 in a private match. I will still list the server-side props that you may use for bomb plants, though.

Most of these plants spots are not truly “hidden,” as there would be very few places to actually hide a bomb, but rather they’re unconventional and fairly hard to see. The Competitive Game Mode Maps will be labeled below, and the regular maps will be located further below. Not all maps will be mentioned if there are no hidden plant spots, and the same goes for the sites.

The Best Hidden Plant Spots for Bombs in Competitive Maps

A site: N/A

B Site:

1. There are no hiding places located in this area, but there is a server-side bucket located on the ledge right outside of the apartments. It is in the top left corner and cannot be shot down but only blown off with the use of a grenade. Again, I do not recommend this, as it is fairly hard to pull off with only one grenade, but you may do it with the risk of enemy fire and time constraints.

A site:

1. Located in between the yellow parking barriers, there is a little space that allows for a plant spot that allows the bomb to be hidden from players just coming from the middle and from the counter-terrorist spawn. It is very hard to pull off perfectly, and it may take a few tries to get it just right without practice.

B Site:

1. Located on the bottom left corner of the ledge behind the bullseye, there is a plant spot that conceals the bomb from any player on the ground. It is not completely hidden from all angles like the top ledge called heaven, but it is unconventional and is completely hidden if any players are on the ground below the ledge.

A site:

1. There is only one small nook located in the top left corner of A site right behind a pillar. It is not a completely hidden spot, but it is concealed from most angles.

B Site: N/A

A site:

1. In the site, there are many large rocks that surround the large semi truck. If the rock is large enough, it may conceal any bombs that are planted there, and there are a few spots that can hide a bomb.

B Site:

1. There is a small silver bucket laying on the ground in the top left of the site near the wood pallets, and a bomb will fit perfectly inside it, which makes it completely hidden except for the opening of the bucket.

A site:

1. Located on the train car right in the middle of the plant spot next to the magnifying glass, there is a small electrical reader that can conceal the bomb slightly. It does not contain the bomb perfectly, as it rests right on top of it, and the red flashes can be seen also.

B Site:

1. There are two main hiding spots for the bomb to be planted in, which it makes it harder to see if you are located on the ground. On the yellow railroad car located right in the middle of the plant sites, one can get on the ledge of each end of the railroad car. The two bomb spots can be placed in all four corners of the train car and will be hidden from the view of any player located on the ground.

Nuke: n/a

Dust II is a fairly open map, especially after the update, and with that, the hidden plant spots are minimal, relying on tactical plants instead. Because of that, there are very few hidden spots in the B site and in A site.

A site: N/A

B Site:

1. In B site, on the clump of boxes right below the opening on the wall, there is a small ledge on the first large box. On this ledge, you can plant the bomb on these unusual plant spots, which will confuse the enemy, as they would normally look for the bomb on the ground. Right in the center of the clump of boxes, the bomb can be planted to mostly conceal itself from the counter-terrorists.

2. Most of the hidden plant spots are located near the clump of boxes, and one common plant that is also concealed would be right in the nook between the left wall and the clump of boxes.

A site:

1. In A site located on the broken barrier, there is a small piece of a ledge closest to the large castle wall that is perfect for a hidden bomb plant. It completely hides the bomb from view, and there is only a faint red flash emitting from inside it.

B Site:

1. In B site, there are five flower pots that surround the site, and all are perfectly suitable for a hidden bomb plant and can conceal the red flash of the bomb. The only downside to this hidden bomb plant would be that the flower pots can be broken from gunfire, and a stray bullet may foil the hiding spot.

A site: N/A

B Site:

1. Located in B site, there is a plastic bucket alongside a wall near the window. The bomb can be planted inside this bucket, but at the opening of the bucket, the red flash of the bomb can be seen.

The Best Hidden Plant Spots for Bombs in Casual Maps

A site:

1. Located in the far wall in A site on a ledge behind a clump of boxes, there is a plastic bucket that may be manipulated. This bucket is a server-side prop that can be shot down and used to hide a bomb plant.

B Site: N/A

A site:

1. In A site, there are two lengthy flower pots that can be used to hide a bomb plant. They can be used in many ways to shield the bomb from many angles. One such angle would be right alongside the flower pot closest to the window to hide it from any counter-terrorists that are inside the building, but it can be seen from the outside windows.

3. Another spot would be on the flower pot with the bomb aligned with the flower pot. This conceals the bomb, but the red flash can still be seen.

4. The last plant spot would be with the bomb still in the flower pot but facing perpendicular from it to hide the red flash.

B Site: N/A

A site:

1. There are two flower pots located on the second floor of the bomb site. Each of the plants is perfect for bomb hiding spots and can hide the red flash as well. The plant that is located in the corner is most preferable, though, as it can conceal the bomb even further.

B Site: N/A

A site:

1. Located in the top left corner of the site, there is a red lifeguard buoy that can be used as a hidden bomb plant. The plant is fairly difficult to achieve and needs practice to get it in the perfect spot, but it is not visible until one gets right on top of the buoy.

5. There are also several client-side objects like a metal bucket near the site, which can be shot around to hide a bomb plant inside it.

B Site: N/A

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